Approximately 1.6 billion people are living without a regular electricity supply. Using renewable energy: wind; solar and water power can provide solutions as an alternative to bringing in mains electricity, when power is needed in off-grid remote locations.
From small off-grid systems for remote power use to systems to reduce diesel generator use and single and three phase systems capable of powering an entire neighbourhood.
Applications include:
- Water pumping
- Telecommunication and monitoring
- Mobile applications
- Systems to reduce use of diesel generators
- Lodges & Cabins
- Remote houses and farms
- Village and Island power supplies
- Rural health care and education

Small Off Grid DC/AC System
An Off-grid system is not connected to an external electricity supply and is often in a remote location or is...
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Medium Off-Grid AC System
These Off-Grid systems offer an alternative to bringing in mains electricity to a remote location or or mobile application where...
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AC Coupled Off-Grid System
This type of Off-Grid system are ideal for bigger properties where power requirements are higher and have many advantages
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Mini-Grid Off Grid System
At present, approximately 1.6 billion people are living without a regular electricity supply, the effects of which include stagnant development...
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