SolarEdge Commercial Gateway
The SolarEdge Commercial Gateway provides a range of further control options and integrations.
SolarEdge Smart Energy ZigBee Plug-in for Inverters with SetApp Configuration
Wireless Smart Energy Solution
SolarEdge Smart Energy Switch with meter
- Wireless AC switch for controlling electrical devices
- Device control can be done remotely according to a preconfigured schedule or dynamically by the inverter for maximized self-consumption
- Built-in energy and power consumption metering
SolarEdge Single Phase Inverters with compact technology
Specifically Designed for Rooftop Systems of 4-8 Modules
SolarEdge Module Temperature Sensor
For use with Commercial Gateway this module temperature sensor measures the temperature at the back of the photovoltaic module. The sensor's measurement signal is 4 to 20mA covering a -40 to +90°C range.
SolarEdge Ambient Temperature Sensor
For use with Commercial Gateway this ambient temperature sensor measures the surrounding temperature. The sensor's measurement signal is 0 to 10V covering a -40 to +90°C range.
SolarEdge StorEdge Interface
Allows connection of the LG Chem RESU H battery to a SolarEdge inverter.
*see manufacturer's documentation for further information