Schletter Ballast Tray Pro
Can be fastened between Base Rail Pro to accomodate extra gravel ballast if required.
Schletter Ballast+ Rail Pro
Used to support ballast blocks when more ballast is required than can be accommodated on the Base Rail Pro.
Schletter ClampFit Pro Fastener
The Schletter ClampFit Pro Fastener is a simple and cost-efficient solution for mounting modules in landscape on trapezoial metal roofs with a minimum thikness of 0.5 mm.
Schletter Cross Connector
Used to allow horizontal mounting rails to be quickly & easily fastened to vertical rails.
Schletter Cross Connector Rapid Pro
Used to allow horizontal mounting rails to be quickly & easily fastened to vertical rails.
Schletter EcoLight Mounting Rails
Aluminium module-bearing profile rails - 450mm length rail is used with 2 x SingleFix Pro (SCH-113009-003).
Schletter Elevation Pro
These allows gradual adjustment of the angle of inclination and are mounted to the Base Rail Pro. It is completed by adding a Module Support Pro, which can also be clicked into place.
Schletter Fasteners for Roofs with Steel Sub-Structures
Designed especially for a safe fastening to corrugated fibre cement or trapezoidal sheet metal roofs on a steel substructure avoiding breakage and leaks.
Schletter Fix-Z-7 and Fix-Z-15
For flat trapezoidal sheet roofs with less than a 10-degree slope, module installation parallel to the roof is not always optimal, due to low yields and inadequate module self-cleaning.
Schletter FixGrid Pro Screw-in Tool
Useful to quickly align and fit Module Support Pro and Elevation Pro to Base Rail Pro
Schletter FixGrid Surface Protect Mat
For placing centrally under under each Base Rail support to protect the roof structure.
Schletter FixGrid18 Ballast Tray
Can be fastened between Base Rails to accommodate extra ballast.
*see manufacturer's documentation for further information